TC Highlight: Meet Heather Adkins!

I first discovered the National Writing Project while an undergrad at WKU and knew it was something I wanted to be part of someday, even though I wasn't entirely sure what it was--I just knew those were my people! I participated in MTWP's 3rd ISI in 2007 and have made sure to remain involved since, serving as Technology Liaison and ISI Co-Director, facilitating workshops, and whatever else I can. This work is so important to my professional life!
I am currently in my 17th year of teaching English at Gallatin High School, where I have spent my entire career. I teach Inclusion 10th grade, AP Lang & Comp, and Dual Enrollment English through a local community college. I also serve as my school's teacher-leader, where I coordinate PD for my school and work with district leaders and my school's administrators to set and meet goals for my school. This is a role I would never have imagined for myself had I not found MTWP.
My favorite practice at any level is online writing conferences through Google Classroom. I'm able to efficiently discuss students' writing (or get them back to writing!) and literally watch them put feedback into action immediately. With thirty teenagers in a small space, it's effective and can springboard larger conversations if needed.
Heather Adkins
English Teacher
Gallatin High School
Teacher Consultant
Middle TN Writing Project